Hi Samantha, that’s impressive! And that’s a lot of weekly words! Weekly publication is a commitment so I admire that. Yes I am a writer. I’ve published five books. I’ve never had a DAILY writing practice until this year. Started Jan 2 and haven’t missed a day. Although I don’t make myself write 1000 words. I have at other times when I wasn’t aiming for every day. The power of a streak and a visual to mark off each day.

Thanks again for your work. I might do #1000wordsofsummer.

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Samantha great piece. #1000wordsofsummer (which I only recently discovered) “has been the bedrock of this newsletter”… Please say more.

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Hi Lindsey - for me being part of that writing community on and off for the last few years helped me to develop a habit, and a practice. Publishing every week is a lot of work...to get to the place where I'm happy with the 2-5k words that I write every week, it's already gone through many edits and iterations. With #1000wordsofsummer I was able to develop a writing practice, where almost every day I write 1000 words. And that goes a long way towards getting it done every week. Plus in various writing sprints, I've spent the whole time flushing out different ideas that I'm curious about.

Are you a writer? Have you developed a writing practice? If you're curious how to do this, join #1000wordsofsummer this year!

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May 17Liked by Samantha Hodder

Samantha - great newsletter. I just wanted to say thank you for standing up for narrative podcasts (that's if I understand your definition correctly!). I have been running a narrative podcast for 18 months (I actually refer to each episode as an audio documentary) and found very little expert advice for this style of podcast.

For example, there's lots of advice about going light on preparation and editing, never more than an hour or so. I am spending up to 30-40 hours per episode across planning, guest preparation, recording and post-production. For the first thirty episodes I thought I must be doing something wrong until I realised that what I was doing was something completely different. Reading Eric Nuzum's book Make Noise put me straight on that one; thanks, Eric.

So, thanks again and here's to lots of narrative podcast chat. Steve W, Batting the Breeze.

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Hi Steve - thank you - and of course! I do stand up for narrative podcasts, tall and proud! Glad that you're finding the resources that you need to get your work done. I too had that same thought, I must be doing this wrong. I would listen to Radiolab and This American Life (12+ years ago) and think to myself, they manage to do this every week...before I realized they have an entire production team available to them, and I had me + 1...Good luck with your work!

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